The application deadline for The Foxworth Family Chiropractic Scholarship has been extended to May 3, 2019.
Student Articles
Creating Waves of Change in Chiropractic: ChiroHealthUSA 2020 Scholarship
by Kristi Hudson, CPCODirector of Business Relations, ChiroHealthUSAIt was 6:00 in the morning when I received the call from Reagan Foxworth Chappell and all I heard was sobs, and my heart nearly stopped. After composing herself, she let me know that with the help of...
From “Majoring in Muscles” to the VA, This Year’s Scholarship Recipient
by Ray Foxworth, D.C., FICC, MCS-PPresident & Founder, ChiroHealthUSANotifying the recipients of the ChiroHealthUSA Foxworth Family Scholarship is truly the best part of my job. There are no words to convey the emotion that takes place each year, when Reagan...
ChiroHealthUSA Awards 2018 $25,000 Chiropractic Scholarship
Orlando, Florida — August 17, 2018 — Today at The National Convention and Expo, ChiroHealthUSA announced the recipient of the 2018 ChiroHealthUSA Foxworth Family Scholarship in honor of President Dr. Ray Foxworth’s parents, Drs. Betty Pace Mathews and Charles Vernon...
In Service to Others
It is hard to believe that it has been a year since we announced the first recipient of the Foxworth Family Scholarship. This past weekend at the FCA The National Convention in Orlando, Florida, Kristi Hudson introduced attendees to William (Billy) Stetzel, this...
Summer Reading
Unlike my 10-year-old son, I loved the required summer reading assignments at the end of each school year. Those books would whisk me away to big cities and exotic destinations far from the hot, humid summers of rural Mississippi. I would discover new foods, new...
Pride & Prejudice
Growing up, the book Pride and Prejudice helped broaden my perspective on how I viewed those around me. It follows Elizabeth Bennett as she learns the error of making hasty judgments, heightening her understanding and acceptance of the differences in those around her....
Everything is Bigger in Texas…
The bitter legal battle between the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners (TBCE) and the Texas Medical Association (TMA) has been ongoing since 2006. Although there are many caveats to the lawsuit, the most perplexing component is the Texas Medical Association’s...
Protecting Your Future License Now
It won’t be long now. You’ll have a shiny new license that lets the world know that you are a Doctor of Chiropractic. Whether you plan to go into practice on your own or join an already-existing practice as an associate, there will be a multitude of complex state and...
The Opioid Outbreak
On December 8, 2016, CNN posted an article with information that not many in our profession were surprised to see. The Opioid epidemic in the US is getting worse, not better. In 2015, the number of deaths involving opioids skyrocketed. This growing epidemic is...
He Wants to Be a Chiropractor
He says he wants to be a chiropractor. When I was ten, I wanted to be a race car driver. His friends want to create video games, become major league baseball players and YouTubers. (Is this really a profession?) In the wake of the Katie May autopsy report,...