by Dr. Ray Foxworth, FICC, MCS-P
If you happen to meet my team at a state or national convention, you can bet that someone will ask “Why did you decide to become a chiropractor?” More often than not, we hear amazing stories of how chiropractic changed a person’s life, and how they felt compelled to become achiropractor and “pay it forward.” The great news is that there has never been a better time inhistory to join the profession. In fact, according to a new Gallup poll (Gallup-Palmer Report)released on September 8, 2015, 14% I think this number is higher, please ck it. of U.S. adultshave seen a chiropractor in the last 12 months. More than half of U.S. adults view doctors of chiropractic positively and agree they are effective at treating neck and back pain.
Our profession has made many strides in the last 50 years, and the recent Gallup poll shows that public perception is changing in big ways. However, we are still fighting to be heard,understood, and respected by the medical community. It amazes me, how many chiropractorsdo not participate in state and national organizations that speak and fight on our behalf daily.Not enough chiropractors have joined the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP), anorganization that has worked tirelessly for over a decade to educate and encourage ourcommunities to visit their local chiropractors. Even fewer chiropractors know about or supportthe Council on Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters (CCGPP). CCGPP’s primary function for the past several years has been the Rapid Response Team that providestestimony, letters, and factual compilations to help individual doctors and chiropracticassociations fight unreasonably denied treatment. They also help associations establish inroads into insurance companies and address unreasonable policies relative to chiropractic on the part of insurers and other organizations.
There is really no time more exciting than the time you spend in Chiropractic College and it goes by way too fast. It is easy to feel disconnected from the issues being fought for by the F4CP, CCGPP, ACA, ICA, and others. In the blink of an eye, you will be studying for your boards andembarking on your new career. Don’t wait until then to learn more about these great organizations that are working hard today for your tomorrow…and they could use YOUR help and support today.
The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress – www.f4cp.com
The Council on Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters – clinicalcompass.org
Student American Chiropractic Association – www.acatoday.org/students
Student International Chiropractors Association – www.chiropractic.org/joinsica
To read the article based on the research from Gallup-Palmer Report, go to: http://www.jmptonline.org/article/S0161-4754(15)00124-4/abstract
Dr. Ray Foxworth is the founder and President of ChiroHealthUSA. Since it’s inception in 2007, ChiroHealthUSA has donated over $750,000 to help support state associations, COCSA, F4CP and the CCGPP. Dr.Foxworth recently announced the ChiroHealthUSA Foxworth Family Chiropractic Scholarship. Beginning in 2016, onestudent annually will be awarded a $10,000 scholarship and the students Chiropractic College will receive a donationof $10,000. To learn more and apply, go to www.chusascholar.com.