Dr. R. A. Foxworth, FICC, MCS-P
It’s summer and the odds are good that your member doctors are seeing a fall-off in business as their patients hit the links, dive into the pool, boat the lake, and head out of town on high-activity summer vacations.
What’s a great way to offset this inevitable seasonal fall-off? Help your members educate their patients about the importance of chiropractic treatment for the whole family, not just year-round, but especially when they’re about to engage in their most physically active time of the year.
There aren’t a lot of studies that outline the benefits of chiropractic for weekend (and summertime) warriors, but we can extrapolate from the wealth of research done on professional athletes. In one example, fifty athletes were tested and divided into two groups, with one receiving chiropractic adjustments and the other serving as a control. Eleven tests were used to measure aspects of athletic ability, including agility, balance, kinesthetic perception, power, and reaction time.
After six weeks, the control group exhibited minor improvement in eight of the 11 tests, while the chiropractic group improved significantly in all 11 tests. In a hand reaction test measuring the speed of reaction with the hand in response to a visual stimulus, the control group exhibited less than a 1% response while the chiropractic group exhibited more than an 18% response after 6 weeks. After 12 weeks the chiropractic group exhibited more than a 30% improvement. *
What does this mean to your members’ patients? Simple: they’ll be able to play harder, with far fewer negative repercussions, if they continue their chiropractic care throughout the summer months.
Those benefits apply to chiropractic patients of all ages, but it’s not unusual for adult patients to feel they can barely afford their own treatment, let alone care for the whole family. That’s where ChiroHealthUSA membership, presented by the doctor as part of the Financial Report of Findings (FROF), comes in.
ChiroHealthUSA offers your members not only a compliant way to offer patients affordable care, it also makes the FROF beautifully simple and stress-free. ChiroHealthUSA offers a family plan that costs each patient and their family just $49.00 per year, an affordable cost easily recovered on the first patient visit. There’s no cost to your members to become providers. It also offers your members a compliant way to offer any and all of their patients a capped, discounted fee-based on the practice’s actual fee schedule.
Help your members cover their overhead over the summer, stay in compliance, keep today’s healthcare consumers from walking out the door, and deliver an effective FROF that states simple financial policy, all by becoming a ChiroHealthUSA provider.
Bringing the whole family to the chiropractor on a regular basis is simply more affordable when doctors help patients put together a financial plan that supports it. ChiroHealthUSA makes that possible, with a low $49 annual fee that allows the whole family to take advantage of legal, compliant discounts and keep treatment affordable for everyone even when out-of-pocket deductibles have not been met or benefits are not available for routine therapies or adjustments. Direct your members to chirohealthusa.com/frof, where they will find an easy, downloadable form that allows doctors to plug in their usual fees, patients’ available insurance benefits, if any, and the ChiroHealthUSA discounts they can offer once they become one CHUSA providers. It makes the FROF easy to explain, and it lays out affordable chiropractic care in black and white for patients who might otherwise take a hiatus this summer from care.
*Lauro A. Mouch B. Chiropractic: The Journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation. 1991; 6: 84-87