I am well aware of the confusion, frustration and at times helplessness that accompanies trying to meet government regulations, documentation regulations, and all of the other administrative nightmares that are a part of today’s practice. I recommend ChiroHealthUSA to all of my ongoing personal and practice development clients to eliminate one of the most dangerous exposures you can have, relative to illegal and inappropriate fee schedules while offering an opportunity for many patients to get care who could not afford it otherwise.
ChiroHealthUSA provides chiropractors with a simple solution when it comes to offering legal discounts for cash, underinsured, and out-of-network patients. I can’t see how it is possible to practice in today’s heightened regulatory environment without the protection it provides. I have known the founder and president of the company, Dr. Ray Foxworth, since 2008. We refer clients of Breakthrough Coaching to his organization without hesitation. ChiroHealthUSA has been a consistent and generous supporter of chiropractic causes, donating a portion of each sale to COCSA and the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. This is an organization that exists for the benefit your practice, your patients, and our profession.
Every new client receives my ChiroHeatlhUSA speech in our first meeting. I let them know how CHUSA is beneficial in so many ways such as bringing orderliness where there was none before and creating growth from resources untapped! I firmly believe that CHUSA is a necessity that no office should be without.
ChiroHealthUSA has done their homework! I enthusiastically recommend them to my clients, my patients, and other doctors!
There are three huge reasons that I recommend ChiroHealthUSA to my coaching clients at my seminars, and to so many chiropractors wrestling with fee schedule compliance. First, it’s SAFE! And attempting to walk the fine line between reasonable discounts, dual schedules, and other discount dangers that risk your license is most certainly not. Second, it’s SOLID. There are other companies that offer a similar solution but none have done their legal homework like ChiroHealthUSA. Third, it’s SIMPLE! There is no solution like ChiroHealthUSA that can do all of the above AND do it so easily.

‘Yeah, but…’ are the two words I hear the most when I consult with an office. ‘Yeah, but I’ve always done it this way.’ ‘Yeah, but no one ever really gets in trouble for it.’ These ‘Yeah buts’ always deal with the financial craziness going on in most chiropractic offices. Once I help an office implement ChiroHealthUSA, all the ‘Yeah buts’ disappear, leaving them free from the worry and burden of non-compliant issues. Do yourself a favor; check them out.
In today’s compliance environment, no doctor should be without ChiroHealthUSA. It’s the safest, sanest way to offer discounts to your patients that will help them stay and pay in your office!
It is very difficult to have a fair and competitive fee schedule in today’s marketplace. The good news is that ChiroHealthUSA makes the path to understanding fees, creating fee schedules and preventing dual fees very easy and provides peace of mind. The better news is that the owner and staff treat you like royalty and are always there to support you. As a compliance consultant, I strongly recommend ChiroHealthUSA to all my clients without reservation.

Medicare continues to increase its efforts to ensure that every detail of the laws, rules, and regulations are followed to the letter, and it is up to the doctor to protect himself. Properly utilizing the CHUSA program will greatly assist that protection by allowing you to offer discounts to patients—including Medicare patients—that comply with the current laws, rules, and regulations. I confidently recommend CHUSA to all of my clients and at my seminars and webinars.

I recommend CHUSA at all my seminars throughout the United States and to all my clients. The staff is knowledgeable about the product and extremely courteous whenever the doctors or the staff have a question. When my clients use CHUSA, I have peace of mind KNOWING that it is being done the most compliant way possible.
At Cash Practice® Systems we recommend ChiroHealthUSA to all of our clients. It is by far the best Discount Medical Plan Organization we have found to help our members stay compliant with discounting their services when creating plans in our Cash Plan® Calculator. Our clients not only find their product valuable, but ChiroHealhUSA’s customer service is top notch.
We’ve been using CHUSA for about three months in our office. The way it’s taught makes it easy to incorporate, and it makes so much sense to patients. They easily and readily sign up for it. From my perspective, becoming more compliant and protecting the office from unwanted audits should make every Doc consider introducing CHUSA into their practice.
As Insurance Chair for two state associations, I have reviewed the due diligence performed by ChiroHealthUSA and feel it is the best option for creating a cash discount plan for your patients. ChiroHealthUSA has done an outstanding job of creating a much-needed solution in Chiropractic financial services.