Consultant Articles
5 Coding & Compliance Tips for the Health of Your Practice
by Marty Kotlar, DC, CPCO, CBCSPresident of Target Coding#1 Fee Confusion: Keep fees simple. Fee confusion is one of the most common causes of patient complaints to state boards. All patients should be aware of your “normal” fees if providing discounts. Some providers...
Expand Your Practice with Spinal Decompression Therapy
by Mark Sanna, DC, ACRB Level II, FICCPresident & CEO Breakthrough CoachingSpinal decompression therapy provides chiropractors with one of the most effective methods available to treat the acute and chronic pain at the root of the opioid crisis. The typical spinal...
I Just Received a Records Request, What Should I Do?
by Marty Kotlar, DC, CPCO, CBCSPresident of Target CodingQuestion: I just received a letter from an insurance company requesting copies of exams, SOAP notes and financial records on 14 patients. I am concerned…some of my notes are not good and on some dates of service...
A CHUSA Tale from the Trenches
by Dr. Brandie NemchenkoCEO/Founder- Experience ChiropracticWayne and Conshohocken, PAOne of the tenets at Experience Chiropractic in Wayne, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philly nestled along the historic Main Line, is to do the right thing....EVERY time. We feel it is...
Practice Management: Conductor or Caboose?
by Mark Sanna DC, ACRB Level II, FICCCEO & President, Breakthrough CoachingPicture a locomotive train speeding along the tracks. At the controls sits the conductor guiding the course by monitoring the crew, equipment, and signals determining the direction. At the...
Have You Ever Been Accused of Improper Billing by a Staff Member?
by Marty Kotlar, DC, CPCO, CBCSQuestion: I have been accused of improper billing by a staff member. I am very concerned about this. Am I going to get investigated? Are there any steps I can take to protect myself? Answer: If you ever get accused of improper billing...
How to Stay Energized and Motivated in Practice
by Mark Sanna, DC, ACRB Level II, FICCCEO, Breakthrough CoachingWe live in a digital time. Our rhythms are rushed, rapid fire and relentless, our days carved up into bits and bytes. We celebrate quick reaction more than considered reflection. We skim across the...
New Documentation Guidelines for Examinations
Question: I heard there are new documentation guidelines for examinations. How is this going to affect my documentation, coding and patient flow? Answer: As part of its “Patients Over Paperwork” initiative, CMS sought input from providers and other healthcare...
The Episode of Care
Medicare audits continue as part of the contractor’s responsibilities. While it true that typically they are just “fishing,” certain information you send in with your claims may trigger an audit. One of these items is the date in Box 14. Even in conventional...
Multidisciplinary Practices Require Keen Compliance Tactics
Many healthcare providers have begun to recognize the potential benefits — in patient care and in practice growth — that can be obtained when MDs, DOs, DCs, and PTs work together. By working together all participants add valuable expertise to their practices,...
CMS Clarifies Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Billing Requirements
Recently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) once again clarified the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) billing requirements. Even if you are not a provider for Medicaid or covered services under Medicare are not covered by Medicaid in your state,...
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice
No practice marketing strategy can neglect social media. The number of potential patients connected to each other through social media rises every day. If your practice isn’t connected to your community with social media, you can be sure that your competition is....