Stop the Patient Revolving Door
Share this page: As your members are discovering, today’s healthcare environment, with its ridiculously high deductibles and copays, means that many patients may no longer consider chiropractic as essential. Rather, they consider it desirable, but optional. If they...
Is Insurance Keeping Your Patients Out?
Share this page: Love it or hate it, the Affordable Care Act has changed the healthcare marketplace. For all of your members whose patients are now facing the high-deductible consequences of the ACA insurance plan they chose, it’s almost always “hate it.” And with...
Simplify Compliance for Better Patient Care
Share this page: As most of you know, chiropractors often start as chiropractic patients. And through that experience of finally finding a treatment that gave them not just relief but that led to recovery, they also found their avocation. Chiropractors become...
All in the Family
Share this page: If you were to ask your members, they’d probably tell you that they’d love an easy way to bring in more new patients. Yet, many of them are ignoring the “new” patients they have right under their noses; the family members of the patients they’re...