Workouts Are Taking a HIIT
by Amber White ChiroHealthUSA Social Media Specialist Do you know you need to work out more, especially in these new sedentary times, but still can’t find the right exercise routine for you? Why not try a HIIT workout? Not everyone can commit to an hour of working out...
Be Kinder to Yourself
by Amber White ChiroHealthUSA Social Media Specialist Life can be hectic. We all have tasks that must be accomplished throughout our daily lives to function properly. Your To-Do lists feel never-ending. You may have to go to work. You might have to pick your kids up...
Enjoying the Great Indoors
by Amber White ChiroHealthUSA Social Media Specialist We have been conditioned as a society to believe that fun can only be had if we are out and about in the world. During these uncertain times, now is as good a time as ever to plan some activities you’ve been...
Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches
by Amber White ChiroHealthUSA Social Media Specialist Do you experience frequent headaches? You are not alone. In this country, nearly 1 in 4 households includes someone suffering from migraines. According to the American Headache Society (AHS), migraines and severe...