Innovations in Employee Training Can Keep Everyone Up to Speed
Share this page: If your clinic trains employees by flopping down a stack of papers to read, or by forwarding them a list of not-so-updated documents to pore over, you may be thinking, “There’s got to be a better way.” You’d be right. As we prepared to open a second...
That’s Not How It Works – Avoiding Federal Regulations by Not Treating Federally Insured Patients
Share this page: No matter where I speak, I always have doctors who point out that they are no longer treating Medicare and Medicaid patients in their practices in order to prevent any violations of state and federal anti-kickback rules. The reality is, as doctors...
Attracting the Millennial Market
Share this page: Born between 1981 and 1996, the tech-savvy Millennial generation of 75 million is about to overtake baby boomers as America’s largest age demographic (Evans, 2018). As business owners, it is important to know what they think when it comes to making...
Numbers Don’t Lie…or Do They?
Share this page: Monitoring your cash flow in practice is a no-brainer. However, when it comes to reviewing your accounts receivable, many providers and staffs don’t know the relevant benchmarks to use for determining if those numbers are good, bad, or plain...