Expand Your Practice with Spinal Decompression Therapy
by Mark Sanna, DC, ACRB Level II, FICC President & CEO Breakthrough Coaching Spinal decompression therapy provides chiropractors with one of the most effective methods available to treat the acute and chronic pain at the root of the opioid crisis. The typical...
I Just Received a Records Request, What Should I Do?
by Marty Kotlar, DC, CPCO, CBCS President of Target Coding Question: I just received a letter from an insurance company requesting copies of exams, SOAP notes and financial records on 14 patients. I am concerned…some of my notes are not good and on some dates of...
A CHUSA Tale from the Trenches
by Dr. Brandie Nemchenko CEO/Founder- Experience ChiropracticWayne and Conshohocken, PA One of the tenets at Experience Chiropractic in Wayne, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philly nestled along the historic Main Line, is to do the right thing….EVERY time. We feel it...
Practice Management: Conductor or Caboose?
by Mark Sanna DC, ACRB Level II, FICC CEO & President, Breakthrough Coaching Picture a locomotive train speeding along the tracks. At the controls sits the conductor guiding the course by monitoring the crew, equipment, and signals determining the direction. At...