59 Modifier Comes under Fire in Medicare
Share this page: In an effort to reduce abuse of billing for procedures, the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits were developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The NCCI edit program is used by all carriers and third party...
Physician, Heal Thyself!
Share this page: Chiropractors know how to diagnosis and treat patients to free them from pain and get them back to functioning to their full potential. Even those of us in the profession aren’t immune to the magic; from the infants to the infirmed, we’ve witnessed...
Have We Seen the End of Modifier 59?
Share this page: Question: Dr. Kotlar, I’ve heard modifier 59 is being deleted. Can I still use the 59 modifier? Answer: Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to indicate that a procedure or service was distinct or independent from other non-E/M services...
The Top Ways to Impress Your Patients…or Turn Them Off
Share this page: Many chiropractic practices today are searching for the secret formula to improve patient enrollment. Attracting new patients and improving your conversion rate is easier than you think if you become a patient-centered practice, focusing on your...