Remove the Revolving Door from Your Practice
Share this page: You already know that patients in pain want care at any cost. But when that pain eases up, patients may ease on out, even if their treatment plans are not completed. How do you stop that revolving door? In many cases, it often all comes down to...
Is Insurance Keeping Your Patients Out?
Share this page: Love it or hate it, the Affordable Care Act has changed the healthcare marketplace. For all of your patients who are now facing the high-deductible consequences of the ACA insurance plan they chose, it’s almost always “hate it.” And with good reason....
Easy Does It!
Share this page: Countless thought leaders from Einstein to Stephen Covey have touted the benefits of simplicity. But if you’re like most DCs, your practice responsibilities likely feel far from simple. After all, you’re juggling patient care with paperwork. And with...
What’s Not to Love?
Share this page: February means Valentine’s Day, a time when a doctors’ thoughts turn to . . . documentation? “I just love documentation,” said no chiropractor ever. Because that’s not why we went to chiropractic college, is it? Doctors are passionate about taking...