Dr. R. A. Foxworth, FICC, MCS-P

Dr. R. A. Foxworth, FICC, MCS-P

According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, the top ten resolutions are virtually the same every new year. Here’s what they might look like for chiropractors:

  1. Lose weight
    Feel like the weight of the world is on your busy shoulders? Delegate, delegate, delegate. If you don’t trust your front desk staff enough to give them more authority and autonomy, train them until you do. The average CA or office manager wants to feel empowered. Giving them the training they need to do so is a win-win for both of you.
  2. Get organized
    Just as “if Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy,” when Doc is disorganized, the practice is likely to follow suit. We offer great resources to help you and your staff get on track—and stay on track.
  3. Spend less, save more
    You can make good investments in your practice through training, organizational systems, and cash profit center items for example, while still finding places to cut back. Do you have to send out laundry? Do you have to have a bottled water supplier?
  4. Enjoy life to the fullest
    ChiroHealthUSA providers like you have already cleaned up non-compliant financial policies and fee schedules, thus eliminating a huge source of stress. The next step is to get clear on where you’re still unsure, and fill in the gaps. Sit down with your staff, establish your practice’s areas of weakness, and make the commitment to get systems, policies, and procedures in place to get everything running like clockwork.
  5. Stay fit and healthy
    We know many DCs and staffers who are in incredibly good shape. And we know others who, like the cobbler’s children, go unshod, so to speak, because they’re “too busy” helping others gain regain their health. Exercise ball chairs, standing and treadmill desks, a brisk walk at lunch—all of these are ways to incorporate movement into even the busiest day. Hey, docs, are you walking your talk?
  6. Learn something exciting
    This could be a new adjustment technique, a new computer system, how to tango, or a new marketing tool. Mastering a new skill creates new neural connections in our brains, which means we are literally more “lit up” as neurons fire in new ways.
  7. Quit smoking
    If you actually smoke cigarettes, you don’t need us to tell you that you should quit. But let’s look at this one metaphorically as well. Are you finding yourself steamin’, smokin’ angry on the job or at home? Anger is meaningful and useful data, if you know how to use it. Let it tell you where you’re stressed out. Then do something purposeful to alleviate the stress.
  8. Help others in their dreams
    You already know the work you do with patients every day helps them achieve their dreams of functionality and wellness. You can also offer this gift to your team, by educating them, encouraging them, and supporting their growth on the job.
  9. Fall in love
    Remember how you felt about chiropractic when you crossed that platform to get your degree? You can fall in love with your profession all over again when you get help handling the business side of your practice, so you can spend more time doing what you love; helping patients.
  10. Spend more time with family
    Getting back-up from your staff and from your family here at ChiroHealthUSA means you can not only spend more time with your patients, you can also clock out and go home instead of staying behind to catch up on mounds of documentation. And with your worries assuaged, you’ll be more present when you’re at home, too.

As a ChiroHealthUSA provider, you have access to the support we offer in many areas of your practice, including coding, compliance, documentation, staff training and scripting, marketing support and more. Check out our information-packed short videos on a variety of subjects critical to the health of your practice. May 2016 be your best year ever!