CMS Finalizes Quality Payment Program Rule for Year 2018
Share this page: On November 2nd, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the final rule with comment for the second year of the Quality Payment Program (calendar year 2018), as required by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015...
What They Didn’t Teach You in Chiropractic College: How to Maximize Your Marketing ROI
Share this page: It’s a fact: the educational demands that dictate the curriculum of chiropractic colleges leaves little room for teaching the essential skills of practice promotion. For this reason, many chiropractors find marketing their practice frustrating—they...
CMS Announces New Identification Card
Share this page: Identity theft among seniors has become a significant problem. Social security numbers, license numbers and bank account numbers should be guarded and not released unless you definitively know who is viewing this information. Then why do the Medicare...
September is Drug-Free Pain Management Awareness Month
Share this page: The opioid crisis has hit a new record high in the United States with deaths estimated at 65,000 in 2016. In response to this crisis and in an effort to help consumers choose chiropractic care as the first-line option for drug-free pain management,...