ChiroHealthUSA Partners

KMC University provides Chiropractors with tools and solutions to improve and maintain the reimbursement and compliance performance of their practice, delivered with maximum effectiveness, innovation, and ease of implementation. Chiropractic reimbursement and compliance topics like Medicare, Documentation, Billing, Collections, and HIPAA were not taught in school. We know how frustrating it can be in a busy practice to take care of patients AND keep all the “I’s dotted and the T’s crossed”. That’s where KMC University comes in. From Reimbursement and Compliance solutions offered in an “à la carte,” to customized coaching and accountability for you and your team without long-term commitments, KMCU University offers products and services to fit every practice, personality and pocketbook. Download their 2014 Catalog HERE, or call 1-855-TEAM KMC for more information.