Dr. R. A. Foxworth, FICC, MCS-P
You became a ChiroHealthUSA provider so that you could offer patients and their families legally discounted, affordable chiropractic care, regardless of their insurance coverage. But how many of your patients are actually bringing the whole family in?
Any time is the right time for a chiropractic adjustment, but evaluation and treatment are especially warranted at the beginning of the Summer when adults and kids alike are about to step up their activity levels and launch into three months’ worth of sports, camps, swimming, cycling, and other outdoor fun.
Your adult patients with aging joints and lower back challenges know that chiropractic can help keep them safe, limber, and healthy this summer. But even the most loving of parents might not consider that their kids can use chiropractic support before launching into such an active time of year as well.
It’s estimated that nearly 30 million U.S. children and adolescents are active in youth sports on fields, courts, and rinks each year. In the summer, you can add to these sports everything from zip lining and bungee jumping to horseback riding and kayaking. These young athletes are enjoying many physical, social and emotional benefits from being active but unfortunately, there are also risks.
A study of athletes by the Journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation concluded that athletes of all ages who received 12 weeks of chiropractic care exhibited 30 percent improvement in reaction time, versus a group with no chiropractic care. And the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research reported that baseball players receiving chiropractic treatments show significant improvement in their capillary count, which leads to healthy oxygenation of blood supply crucial for muscle function, performance, and healing.
These benefits are not limited to pro athletes, nor should they be. Even young children about to embark on a summer of slip-sliding through water parks and soccer camp can greatly benefit from regular assessment and adjustments.
Now, no one wants to think about their fun costing them money. That’s why talking about how to make that care affordable for your patient and the whole family should be a part of your Financial Report of Findings (FROF). During the FROF, you not only explain your office’s financial policies, fee schedule, capped fees, and payment plans you offer as a ChiroHealthUSA provider. You’ll also be able to lay out the financial options that keep treatment affordable for every member of the patient’s family.
Click here for an easy, downloadable form that allows you to plug in your usual fees, your patient’s insurance benefit if any, and your ChiroHealthUSA discounts to demonstrate, in black and white, how affordable chiropractic care can be. Make sure you remind your patients that their ChiroHealthUSA memberships cover everybody in their households.