The Benefits of Walking
by Amber White ChiroHealthUSA Social Media Specialist Not a fan of the gym but would like to incorporate exercise into your daily routine? Why not give walking a try? An easy 30-minute stroll each day is simple enough for even the most unenthused beginner and provides...
Overcoming Stress and Anxiety
by Amber White ChiroHealthUSA Social Media Specialist The profound effects of stress and anxiety affect more Americans than everbefore. According to Medical News Today, “anxiety disorders are the most common mentalillness in the U.S., affecting around 40 million...
Why You Should Warm Up and Cool Down
by Amber White ChiroHealthUSA Social Media Specialist Many active individuals skip the important step of warming up and cooling down before and after exercise. The thought process behind it really boils down to “Why Bother?” Both warming up and cooling down take...
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
4{icon} {views} by Amber White ChiroHealthUSA Social Media Specialist According to Americanpregnancy.org, chiropractic care is “health maintenance of the spinal column, discs, related nerves, and bone geometry, without drugs or surgery. It involves the art and science...