Why Risk It?
As a ChiroHealthUSA practice, you already know that your provider status allows you to offer legal discounts to your patients and protects you from the risks associated with dual fee schedules, illegal time-of-service discounts, inducement, anti-kickback accusations,...
More Treat and Less Trick for You and Your Patients
Share this page: October is more than just the month when you try to figure out if putting out a bowl of bite-sized Snickers is at odds with your Healthy Lifestyle workshops. It’s also the perfect time to close the year out on a high note and take on 2017 planning. If...
ChiroHealthUSA Announces Recipient of the Foxworth Family Scholarship
Share this page: It is hard to believe that a year ago we announced ChiroHealthUSA’s Foxworth Family Scholarship in honor of my parents, Drs. Betty Pace Mathews and Charles Vernon Mathews. The scholarship awards one chiropractic student $10,000 toward their education...
Membership Does Have Its Privileges
Share this page: Is your practice missing an opportunity to grow? Many times when we are talking to clinics, we find that they have many more patients who are good candidates for ChiroHealthUSA and are never offered the opportunity to join. I get it. We all get busy...