Beware “Text Neck!”
Share this page: If you’re like most doctors, you probably have a sign in your office asking patients to turn off or silence their cell phones. It’s a kindness to other patients and your front desk CA, who has enough to juggle without overhearing four or five...
Do You Know Where Your Reimbursements Are?
Share this page: It’s October—do you know where your reimbursements are? If you’re reading this, you already know that October 1, 2015, came and went, and the earth did not open up and swallow us whole. It’s possible, though, that doctors who found themselves down to...
A Family Foundation: In Support of Chiropractic Education and Lifelong Learning
Share this page: In the early years of my life, my mom worked as a CA for a local chiropractor. With the doctor’s encouragement, she went on to apply for and be accepted into Chiropractic College. She worked as a vet tech by day and attended chiropractic school at...
Turn Shopper Calls into New Patients
Share this page: Doctors are often frustrated by the lengths to which they must go to turn shopper calls into new patients and transition insured patients to private pay. Knowing the right things to say and when can make all the difference. Promoting ChiroHealthUSA as...