New Documentation Guidelines for Examinations
Share this page: Question: I heard there are new documentation guidelines for examinations. How is this going to affect my documentation, coding and patient flow? Answer: As part of its “Patients Over Paperwork” initiative, CMS sought input from providers and other...
The Episode of Care
Share this page: Medicare audits continue as part of the contractor’s responsibilities. While it true that typically they are just “fishing,” certain information you send in with your claims may trigger an audit. One of these items is the date in Box 14. Even in...
Multidisciplinary Practices Require Keen Compliance Tactics
Share this page: Many healthcare providers have begun to recognize the potential benefits — in patient care and in practice growth — that can be obtained when MDs, DOs, DCs, and PTs work together. By working together all participants add valuable expertise to their...
CMS Clarifies Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Billing Requirements
Share this page: Recently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) once again clarified the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) billing requirements. Even if you are not a provider for Medicaid or covered services under Medicare are not covered by...