The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
4{icon} {views} by Amber White ChiroHealthUSA Social Media Specialist According to Americanpregnancy.org, chiropractic care is “health maintenance of the spinal column, discs, related nerves, and bone geometry, without drugs or surgery. It involves the art and science...
Making Physical Activity Less of a Joint Effort
6{icon} {views} by Amber White ChiroHealthUSA Social Media Specialist Let’s face it. For those of us who aren’t teenagers anymore, continuous forms of physical activity can cause stress on our aging joints. But just because you are mature in age doesn’t mean you have...
Tips for Better Heart Health
8{icon} {views} by Amber White ChiroHealthUSA Social Media Specialist The importance of proper heart health is one thing all physicians can agree on. The heart is essential to the very essence of life. This important central organ pumps blood throughout the body...